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An online digital art gallery which allows the Long Lake community to share their reflections during the 2020 pandemic, and beyond. This gallery will enable our community to appreciate, connect and support each other during these isolating times.

For example, community members of all ages may want to submit poetry, stories, journal entries, letters, teachings, quotes, drawings, visual art, photographs, theater, ceremony, short films, designs, music, or voice recordings. Both hard copy and digital expressions in any form will be accepted into the collection.

This gallery was initiated in June 2020 as a collaboration between the CVW Long Lake Public Library, the Long Lake Central School District and The Adirondack Experience Museum.


Crystal Niedzwiadek, CVWLLPL Library Director, Project Manager and Curator

Noelle Short, LLCS Superintendent, Project Development

Tara Murphy, Adirondack Experience Acting Marketing Director, Project Development

Christine Campeau, Adirondack Experience School Programs Manager and Educator, Project Development